Monday, October 19, 2009

Melmo Did It!

It's true, you can't leave kids alone for a second. However, tonight we did.

We were downstairs while both Nathan and Emma were upstairs watching a DVD. After a few minutes we heard both of them laughing hysterically. Now I've seen all of their DVD's easily over a hundred times and I can tell you they are not that funny. So we both instantly knew they were up to no good. We have caught them "red handed" many times before, but we honestly were not prepared for what we found tonight.

This is how we found them....

Apparently, our precious children decided it was bath time! They remembered to put water in the tub, fill it with toys and climb in. Unfortunately, they forgot to take off their clothes.

Yes, that is a battery operated Tickle-Me-Elmo in the tub with them. As you will soon see, Elmo is the one at the center of the controversy.

Of course, we asked Nathan first "who did this?" He pleaded the 5th and clammed up.

Then we turned to Emma. Surely, our beautiful little girl will tell us what happened. At first she said she didn't know....

Then the truth came out.... It was Melmo (Emma's name for Elmo).

Apparently, it was all Melmo's idea. Unfortunately, water and electronics don't mix so Melmo can no longer defend himself. Never the less, Emma was insistent. Here is a video of her testimony...

Moral of the Story: Never trust a little red muppet.... I should have listened to Big Bird.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Countdown to Death

It just clicked today that I am about to turn 32....

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Thanks Al....

It has recently come to our attention that we are the last people on this planet that do not maintain a blog. I'm sure this is a shocking revelation to many people. After all, we are not old (31 is the new 29, right?). We are technologically advanced (I have an iPod). We are two very smart people and we have plenty of free time (I had 10 free minutes on October 5th, 2007 , but I decided to take a nap instead). No, the reason why we have not started a blog can be none of these.

We have always lived under the assumption that no one is truly interested in our ramblings and goings-on's. We are not world travelers, nor are we famous celebrities. Nevertheless, after much meditation and deep thought we have come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter if anyone else is interested. The truth is we are interested. We are no longer content with merely living our lives in anonymity. We also want to share our lives with others - whether they like it or not. The only question that remained was the medium in which we publish our thoughts.

First, we thought we would join a reality TV show. After all, this is the medium that most in our country aspire to. I decided to contact my good friend Mark Burnett - the King of Reality TV. He wasn't able to return my calls or answer his door, but after all he is a pretty busy guy. However, his lawyers and a court order asked that I give him some space - 200 feet to be exact.

I then sent a video to MTV's Real World. I've seen several seasons of the Real World and have always admired the high standards that MTV holds when selecting their casts. Alas, this too was not meant to be. Apparently MTV feels that I am too old (I guess 31 is actually the new 75).

With reality TV no longer an option, we decided that we would publish a book. After all, if Hilary could do it we would certainly be a NY Time's best seller. For weeks this seemed like just the ticket until I remembered that we live in America. People here rarely read anything that is not on a LCD screen. Most people here think that Barnes and Noble is just a huge Starbucks.

By this time, Lisa and I became very dispirited. That is until we remembered the Interweb. Yes, thanks to Al Gore, the Interweb is more than a tool to get the latest Celine Dion track on my iPod. It will become our new medium to bring you, our dedicated readers, our lives on a silver platter. Via this information super-highway, you will be able to read our thoughts on global issues like the current tomato crisis. We will also keep you up to date with all of the happenings in our lives like what we had for dinner and what we watched on TV. You will also see many pictures that prove once and for all that our kids are cuter than yours.

Yes, all of this because of the Interweb. Thanks Al.